General Aviation

We show about 300,000 pages per year – 93%+ in Canada. An average user looks at 8 pages. Our new format will increase these numbers which are based solely on our classified section. There – easier than a 17-page report eh!

As a Canadian GA industry provider, whether you be a flight school, broker, maintenance facility, FBO, manufacturer or supplier – you can get listed here free. Click Here to do that now. If you want more promotion/visibility – click here – or –  Ask us what we can do for you

Non-Canadian GA businesses, we can do things for you also, but it’s unlikely to be free. If your service is unique and benefits Canadian aviators to know about it, we’ll probably have no issue and be happy to include you at no cost. If you’re a business and you want to access our readership, we offer sponsorship, ads and marketing. We need to pay the bills too. For that – click HERE

Non GA-based businesses wishing to access our readership, we offer sponsorship, ads and marketing – click HERE.

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